How Do I Find an Address Location with Google Maps?

If address details have been entered for any contacts in your Personal Address Book or the Corporate Address Book, you can view a Google map of the address location within the address books. To view the Google map of a contact's address, follow these steps:

  1. Select the contact in Address Book.

  2. If the Addresses section contains an address, hover over the View Map icon. A thumbnail view of the address location is shown in a Google map.

  3. Click View Map icon. The map is enlarged.

  4. To enter another address, delete the address in the Search text field at the top of the map and enter a new address. Click Show Location.

  5. For driving directions, cycling directions, or walking directions between two locations, select Driving Directions, Cycling Directions, or Walking Directions from the Search drop-down menu at the top of the map.

    1. Enter an address in the green A and B text fields. Directions are listed in the left column of the main pane.

    2. To print directions, click Print directions next to the printer icon.

    3. For reverse directions, click the outward-facing arrows icon between address A and address B on the top of the map.

  6. To exit from Google maps, Click x in the map tab(s).